Lumps and bumps on the skin can cause alarm if you are unaware of what they mean and what you should do about them. In most cases, these lumps are benign lipomas or cysts, and do not pose any danger to your health. If you are concerned about a lump on your skin, it’s always a good idea to get it checked out to ensure it is not a more serious condition like a cancerous growth.
What are skin lumps and bumps?
Two of the most common benign skin lumps are lipomas and skin cysts. Lipomas are fatty tissue growths that are non-cancerous, while cysts are skin lesions that form when an oil-producing gland gets clogged. Lipomas and cysts can be evaluated by a primary care physician, dermatologist, or a surgeon. Not all these benign growths have to be removed. But they can grow, cause discomfort, and in the case of cysts can become infected. Your options can be discussed at length by our surgeons.
“Finding a lump or bump can initially be very scary for a patient,” explains board certified general surgeon Dr. Jeffrey Meynig. “Surgeons have a lot of experience diagnosing and treating these lesions and can provide clarity, reassurance and treatment options.”
Treatments for skin lumps and bumps
As mentioned, not all skin lumps require immediate treatment. A lot depends on its size, location, appearance, changes in the lump, as well as your age and general health.
Cysts can grow, drain, become infected, bleed, itch, or cause pain. If any of these symptoms occur, see your doctor right away. Infected cysts can usually be surgically drained in the office under local anesthesia. Noninfected cysts can be observed, or surgically removed either in the office or as an outpatient depending on size and location.
Lipomas most often require treatment when they grow or cause pain. The typical treatment is complete surgical excision (removing it entirety). This procedure can be performed in the office under local anesthesia, or as an outpatient, again depending mostly on size, and location.
Your doctor will be able to determine and recommend your best treatment option, given your medical history as well as the appearance of your lump(s).
Contact Austin Surgeons
The general surgeons at Austin Surgeons specialize in the surgical treatment of a variety of skin lumps. If you are concerned about a skin lump, schedule an appointment online or call 512-467-7151. Our board-certified general surgeons will evaluate your skin lump as soon as possible to determine what type of procedure or treatment plan is best suited for your situation.
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